This past month, I was working on this massive DVD concert project with some friends of mine. We were waiting for some videos to render and playing Borderlands in the meantime. I thought this was a funny conversation that transpired.
Me to my friend: So, when does True Grit come out?
Friend: Uhh...
Friend's sister: December 22nd!
Me: ...
Friend: ...
Me: I was not expecting that to come from you...
Sister: Matt Damon is in it! <3
Me: Oh, I see. So is Josh Brolin.
Sister: I know! And so is Jeff Bridges! <3 It's also a remake of a John Wayne movie!
Me: Wow, really? You seem to know a lot about it. Are you going to go see it?
Sister: Maybe...
Needless to say, she's going with us tomorrow night.
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